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Course Description
In this interactive tutorial, you will learn how to perform sophisticated dplyr techniques to carry out your data manipulation with R. First you will master the five verbs of R data manipulation with dplyr: select, mutate, filter, arrange and summarise. Next, you will learn how you can chain your dplyr operations using the pipe operator of the magrittr package. In the final section, the focus is on practicing how to subset your data using the group_by function, and how you can access data stored outside of R in a database. All said and done, you will be familiar with data manipulation tools and techniques that will allow you to efficiently manipulate data.
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Introduction to dplyr and tbls
FreeIntroduction to the dplyr package and the tbl class. Learn the philosophy that guides dplyr, discover some useful applications of the dplyr package, and meet the data structures that dplyr uses behind the scenes.
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Select and mutate
Get familiar with dplyr's manipulation verbs. Meet the five verbs and then practice using the mutate and select verbs.
Section 3 - The five verbs and select in more detail50 xpThe five verbs and their meaning50 xpChoosing is not losing! The select verb100 xpHelper functions for variable selection100 xpComparison to base R100 xpSection 4 - The second of five verbs: mutate50 xpMutating is creating100 xpAdd multiple variables using mutate100 xpRecap on mutate and select50 xp - 3
Filter and arrange
Learn how to search through the observations in your data set (and extract useful observations) with the filter function. Rearrange the observations in your data set with the arrange verb.
Section 5 - The third of five verbs: filter50 xpLogical operators100 xpCombining tests using boolean operators100 xpBlend together what you've learned!100 xpRecap on select, mutate and filter50 xpSection 6 - Almost there: the arrange verb50 xpArranging your data100 xpReverse the order of arranging100 xpRecap on select, mutate, filter and arrange50 xp - 4
Summarize and the pipe operator
Master the data manipulation verb summarize, and practice combining the five verbs to solve advanced data manipulation tasks. Learn to chain the operators together with the piping operator.
Section 7 - Last but not least: summarize50 xpThe syntax of summarize100 xpAggregate functions100 xpdplyr aggregate functions100 xpSection 8 - Chaining your functions: the pipe operator50 xpOverview of syntax100 xpDrive or fly? Part 1 of 2100 xpDrive or fly? Part 2 of 2100 xpAdvanced piping exercise100 xp - 5
Group_by and working with databases
Complete your mastery of data manipulation with group-wise operations and databases. Learn to use group_by to group your data into subsets of observations, and use dplyr to access data stored outside of R in a database.
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