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Descripción del curso
This course complements course material from the University of Amsterdam's Basic Statistics at Coursera ( The Basic Statistics course is roughly based on the syllabus used by the department of Child Development and Educational Sciences at the University of Amsterdam (produced by A. van Maanen, A.A.J. van Peet, N. Borgers, E. Gebhardt, N. Lagerweij, R. Stoel, G. van de Wittenboer, F.J. Oort, P.J. Hoffenaar, and B.J.H. Zijlstra.)
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The Basics of R
GratuitoThis lab is about teaching enough R to start using it for statistical analyses.
How it works100 xpLittle arithmetics with R100 xpDocumenting your code100 xpVariable assignment I100 xpVariable assignment II100 xpBack to Apples and Oranges100 xpDiscover Basic Data Types100 xpWhat's that data type?50 xpCoercion: Taming your data100 xpCreate a vector I100 xpVectors II100 xpSelection by comparison I100 xpSelection by comparison II100 xpMatrices100 xpFactors100 xpDataframes: What's a data frame?100 xpInspecting dataframes100 xpConstructing a dataframe yourself100 xpIndexing and selecting columns from a dataframe100 xpLists100 xpSelecting elements from a list100 xp - 2
Introduction to R continued
GratuitoThis lab continues with an introduction to R
Making a start with functions: Getting help100 xpFunctions continued100 xpFunctions continued II100 xpMaking your own functions100 xpGetting your data into R100 xpReading in your own data100 xpWorking directories in R100 xpChanging working directories in R100 xpChecking files in your working directory100 xpImporting R packages100 xp - 3
Exploring Data
GratuitoGetting to grips with your data
Checking the dimensions of your data100 xpData Structure50 xpLevels100 xpRecoding Variables100 xpExamining Frequencies100 xpCumulative Frequency100 xpMaking a Bar Graph100 xpLabelling A Bar Graph100 xpInterpreting A Bar Graph50 xpHistograms100 xpFormatting Your Histogram100 xpBar Graph vs. Histogram50 xpDistributions50 xpMean and Median100 xpMode100 xpRange100 xpQuartiles100 xpIQR and boxplot100 xpIQR outliers100 xpStandard Deviation100 xpMean, median and mode.50 xpCalculating Z-scores100 xpDistributions And Z-scores50 xpZ-score Outliers50 xp - 4
Correlation and Regression
GratuitoLooking at the relationships between two variables.
Scatterplots100 xpMaking a Contingency Table100 xpCalculating Percentage From Your Contingency Table100 xpInterpreting Your Scatterplot50 xpPearson's R I50 xpPearson's R II50 xpPearson's R III50 xpPearson's R IV50 xpCalculating Correlation Using R100 xpFinding The Line100 xpInterpreting The Line100 xpThe Regression Equation100 xpDescribing The Line50 xpFinding The Regression Coefficients in R100 xpUsing lm() To Add A Regression Line To Your Plot100 xpAdding A Line100 xpR Squared I100 xpR Squared II50 xpCorrelation and Causation50 xpPutting It Together: Regression100 xpPutting It Together: Contingency Tables100 xp - 5
GratuitoUnderstanding the basics of probability
Randomness I50 xpRandomness II50 xpProbability I100 xpProbability II50 xpSample Space I100 xpSample Space II100 xpProbability Tree I100 xpProbability Tree II100 xpProbability Terms I100 xpProbability Terms II100 xpProbability Terms III100 xpPractise With Sets I100 xpPractise With Sets II100 xpPractise With Sets III100 xpUnions100 xpJoint and Marginal Probabilities100 xpConditional Probability I100 xpIndependence100 xpConditional Probability II100 xpBayesian Probability I50 xpBayesian Probability II100 xp - 6
Probability distributions
GratuitoThis lab treats probability distributions with an emphasis on the normal and binomial distributions.
Probability mass and density functions100 xpProbability mass and density functions (2)100 xpThe cumulative probability distribution100 xpSummary statistics: The mean100 xpSummary statistics: Variance and the standard deviation100 xpThe normal distribution50 xpThe normal distribution and cumulative probability100 xpThe normal distribution and quantiles100 xpThe normal distribution and Z scores100 xpThe binomial distribution100 xpCalculating probabilities of binomial distributions in R100 xpQuantiles and the binomial distribution100 xp - 7
Sampling distributions
GratuitoThis lab explores population and sampling distributions
Sampling from the population100 xpUsing a for loop100 xpMean of the sampling distribution100 xpStandard deviation of the sampling distribution100 xpStandard deviation of the sampling distribution (2)50 xpThe central limit theorem100 xpZscores100 xpCalculating areas with subjects100 xpInterpreting areas under the curve50 xpCalculating areas with sample means100 xpCalculating areas with sample means (2)50 xpSampling distributions and proportions100 xpSampling distributions and proportions (2)100 xp - 8
Confidence Intervals
GratuitoCalculating the interval where a value falls
Sampling50 xpPoint Estimate vs. Interval Estimate50 xpConfidence Interval With Known SD I100 xpConfidence Interval With Known SD II100 xpCalculating a Confidence Interval Without The Population Standard Deviation100 xpAssumptions For Calculating A Confidence Interval50 xpCalculating A Confidence Interval for a Proportion I100 xpCalculating A Confidence Interval for a Proportion II100 xpCalculating A Confidence Interval for a Proportion III100 xpCalculating A Confidence Interval for a Proportion IV50 xpOther Types Of Confidence Intervals I100 xpOther Types Of Confidence Intervals II100 xpOther Types Of Confidence Intervals III50 xpOther Types Of Confidence Intervals IV50 xpSample Size I50 xpSample Size II100 xpSample Size III100 xpSample Size IV100 xp - 9
Hypothesis testing
GratuitoThis lab treats the concept of hypothesis testing for both binomial and normally distributed variables
Significance testing recap50 xpSignificance testing: one-sided versus two-sided100 xpSignificance testing: one-sided versus two-sided (2)100 xpSignificance testing: one-sided versus two-sided (3)100 xpSignificance testing: one-sided versus two-sided (4)100 xpHypothesis testing and the binomial distribution50 xpHypothesis testing and the binomial distribution (2)100 xpHypothesis testing and the binomial distribution (3)100 xpThe t distribution100 xpThe t distribution (2)100 xpConfidence interval and significance testing100 xpConfidence interval and significance testing (2)50 xpConfidence interval and significance testing (3)50 xp
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