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Beginning Bayes in R

Actualizado 9/2023
This course provides a basic introduction to Bayesian statistics in R.
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RProbability & Statistics4 horas17 vídeos56 ejercicios4,250 XP9,295Certificado de logros

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Descripción del curso

There are two schools of thought in the world of statistics, the frequentist perspective and the Bayesian perspective. At the core of the Bayesian perspective is the idea of representing your beliefs about something using the language of probability, collecting some data, then updating your beliefs based on the evidence contained in the data. This provides a convenient way of implementing the scientific method for learning about the world we live in. Bayesian statistics is increasingly popular due to recent improvements in computation, the ability to fit a wide range of models, and to produce intuitive interpretations of the results.


Introduction to RFoundations of Probability in R

Introduction to Bayesian thinking

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Learning about a binomial probability

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Learning about a normal mean

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Bayesian comparisons

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Beginning Bayes in R

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