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Creating PostgreSQL Databases

Actualizado 2/2025
Learn how to create a PostgreSQL database and explore the structure, data types, and how to normalize databases.
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SQLData Preparation4 horas16 vídeos51 ejercicios4,100 XP15,256Certificado de logros

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Descripción del curso

Learn How the PostgreSQL Create Database Function Works

Have you ever wanted to create and manage your own databases but thought such knowledge is reserved for database administrators? This course teaches you the skills and knowledge necessary create your databases and effectively manage them yourself. You'll cover the structure of PostgreSQL databases, PostgreSQL datatypes, and the normalization of databases to remove data duplication, increase data consistency and improve data organization.

Discover the Structure of PostgreSQL Databases and Learn PostgreSQL Data Types

You’ll start this course by exploring the fundamentals of creating a Postgres database by covering databases, tables, and schemas, understanding how each fits into the PostgreSQL object hierarchy. Next, you’ll look at PostgreSQL data types, including text, numeric, temporal, and boolean data. You’ll also learn the appropriate times to use each data type. As you progress, you’ll learn about database normalization, understanding how it maintains the integrity of your data and reduces duplication. Finally, you’ll cover PostgreSQL access control and how you can protect your databases from unauthorized access.

Create Your Own Database Using PSQL

As you master the skills to create a PostgreSQL database, you’ll work with real data from the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) to guide you through the lessons and provide context for the concepts covered in the course. By the time you've completed this PostgreSQL training, you’ll be able to confidently create your own databases using PostgreSQL. "


Intermediate SQL

Structure of PostgreSQL Databases

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PostgreSQL Data Types

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Database Normalization

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Access Control in PostgreSQL

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Creating PostgreSQL Databases

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