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Data Exploration With Kaggle Scripts

Actualizado 5/2021
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1 hora9 ejercicios900 XP3,242Certificado de logros

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Descripción del curso

In this course you will begin learning the art and science of data exploration. You'll also become familiar with some of the most widely used visualization packages in data science. You'll get the chance to explore a number of fun & interesting datasets such as the 2013 American Community Survey, pigeon racing data, data on the length of chopsticks and Marijuana prices in the US. After completing the course, you'll be able to upload your first Kaggle Script.
Bonus Chapter: Once you have finished your exercises on DataCamp it's time to start building a data science portfolio with your new skills! In this bonus chapter, you'll be given the chance to publish analyses on Kaggle Scripts that you've personalized with information from your own life. To start each exercise, follow the link to a script that has been created by Kaggle CTO Ben Hamner. Review the code or output to find instructions for creating a custom analysis. Then click Fork on the script to create an editable copy and get started.


No hay requisitos previos para este curso

Analyzing the 2013 American Community Survey

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Pigeons, Chopsticks, Spanish Silver and Marijuana

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Data Exploration With Kaggle Scripts

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