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Programming with dplyr

Actualizado 2/2025
Learn how to perform advanced dplyr transformations and incorporate dplyr and ggplot2 code in functions.
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RData Manipulation4 horas15 vídeos47 ejercicios3,850 XP2,846Certificado de logros

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Descripción del curso

The tidyverse includes a tremendous set of packages that make working with data simple and fast. But have you ever tried to put dplyr functions inside functions and been stuck with strange errors or unexpected results? Those errors were likely due to tidy evaluation, which requires a little extra work to handle. In Programming with dplyr, you’ll be equipped with strategies for solving these errors via the rlang package. You’ll also learn other techniques for programming with dplyr using data from the World Bank and International Monetary Fund to analyze worldwide trends throughout. You’ll be a tidyverse function writing ninja by the end of the course!


Joining Data with dplyrIntroduction to Writing Functions in R

Hold Your Selected Leaders Accountable

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Keep Them Dogies Movin’

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Set Theory Claus and The North Pole

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Speaking a New rlang-uage

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Programming with dplyr

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