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InicioPythonPython for Spreadsheet Users

Python for Spreadsheet Users

Use your knowledge of common spreadsheet functions and techniques to explore Python!

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4 Horas13 Videos48 Ejercicios
24.845 AprendicesTrophyDeclaración de cumplimiento

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Descripción del curso

Are you looking for a better solution than the one you’ve built in a spreadsheet? If so, then Python for Spreadsheet Users is a great introduction to the Python language, and will put you on the right path towards automating repetitive work, diving deeper into your data, and widening the scope of what you are capable of accomplishing. Throughout the course, we’ll draw parallels to common spreadsheet functions and techniques, so you’ll always have a familiar reference point as you dive head first into Python.

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  1. 1

    Diving In


    Let's get right into it! In this chapter, you'll become acclimated with Python syntax, loading your data into a Python session, and how to explore and edit this data to answer business questions.

    Reproducir Capítulo Ahora
    Welcome to Python!
    50 xp
    Importing packages
    100 xp
    Loading data
    100 xp
    Looking at data with print()
    100 xp
    DataFrames and their methods
    50 xp
    The .head() method
    100 xp
    .info() and .describe() methods
    50 xp
    The .sort_values() method
    100 xp
    Filtering rows and creating columns
    50 xp
    100 xp
    Creating columns
    100 xp
    Putting it all together
    100 xp

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Sets De Datos

Movie Theater Sales dataset


Collaborator's avatar
Hillary Green-Lerman
Collaborator's avatar
Amy Peterson
DataCamp Content Creator

Course Instructor

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