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String Manipulation with stringr in R

Actualizado 2/2025
Learn how to pull character strings apart, put them back together and use the stringr package.
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Descripción del curso

Character strings can turn up in all stages of a data science project. You might have to clean messy string input before analysis, extract data that is embedded in text or automatically turn numeric results into a sentence to include in a report. Perhaps the strings themselves are the data of interest, and you need to detect and match patterns within them. This course will help you master these tasks by teaching you how to pull strings apart, put them back together and use stringr to detect, extract, match and split strings using regular expressions, a powerful way to express patterns.


Intermediate R

String basics

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Introduction to stringr

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Pattern matching with regular expressions

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More advanced matching and manipulation

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Case studies

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String Manipulation with stringr in R

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