3 months of free access to DataCamp for students DataCamp has partnered with GitHub Education to offer three months of free access when you sign up for a DataCamp subscription with your GitHub student account.
Start Free Trial Loved by learners at thousands of companies AI-powered interactive learning that works for youNo installation required—run code and complete all exercises from your browser
540+ hands-on data, AI, cloud, and software engineering courses for all skill levels
Start Learning for Free Learn from the best instructors
Become an instructor Jacob Marquez Data Scientist Vidhi Chugh Al Strategist and Ethicist Leondra Gonzalez Sr. Data & Applied Scientist Kevin Barlow Sr. Solutions Architect Aaren Stubberfield Senior Data Scientist Interactive exercises short videos
Practice and apply your skills
Are you a teacher? DataCamp Classrooms is free for you and your students
Learn More 1M Teachers180+ Countries14K+ Schools6 months of free access for every classroomDon’t just take our word for it. FAQs How do I access DataCamp for free? To take advantage of this discount, you need to have the GitHub Student Pack. You can apply to get the pack on GitHub here: https://education.github.com/pack .
Once you have the GitHub Student Pack, you will need to link your DataCamp and GitHub accounts. Click here to link your accounts now.
If you are not currently signed in to GitHub, follow the prompt to sign in using your GitHub login credentials.
Authorize GitHub to access your DataCamp account.
You are now able to sign up for a DataCamp subscription with full access for three months at no charge by filling out the DataCamp checkout form. Note: This discount can only be used once per user.
Who is eligible for this discount? This discount is only available to students who have the GitHub Student Pack and are not already DataCamp subscribers. If you’re a student with a school-issued email address, you can get the pack here . For more information, refer to the full list of requirements on GitHub.
Will I be charged? You will not be charged, and you do not need to provide a credit card to take advantage of this offer. At the end of your three free months, you will lose access to DataCamp's course library available through this offer. If you choose to purchase a subscription after your three free months, all of your DataCamp progress will be saved and you can continue where you left off. You can view our subscription pricing here .