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Sarah Lauser has completed

Introduction to Shell

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4 hours
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Course Description

The Unix command line has survived and thrived for almost 50 years because it lets people do complex things with just a few keystrokes. Sometimes called "the universal glue of programming," it helps users combine existing programs in new ways, automate repetitive tasks, and run programs on clusters and clouds that may be halfway around the world. This course will introduce its key elements and show you how to use them efficiently.
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  1. 1

    Manipulating files and directories


    This chapter is a brief introduction to the Unix shell. You'll learn why it is still in use after almost 50 years, how it compares to the graphical tools you may be more familiar with, how to move around in the shell, and how to create, modify, and delete files and folders.

    Play Chapter Now
    How does the shell compare to a desktop interface?
    50 xp
    Where am I?
    50 xp
    How can I identify files and directories?
    50 xp
    How else can I identify files and directories?
    100 xp
    How can I move to another directory?
    100 xp
    How can I move up a directory?
    50 xp
    How can I copy files?
    100 xp
    How can I move a file?
    100 xp
    How can I rename files?
    100 xp
    How can I delete files?
    100 xp
    How can I create and delete directories?
    100 xp
    Wrapping up
    100 xp
  2. 5

    Creating new tools

    History lets you repeat things with just a few keystrokes, and pipes let you combine existing commands to create new ones. In this chapter, you will see how to go one step further and create new commands of your own.

    Play Chapter Now
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Filip Schouwenaars HeadshotFilip Schouwenaars

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Filip is the passionate developer behind several of DataCamp's most popular Python, SQL, and R courses. Filip led the development of DataLab, a collaborative data science notebook. Under the motto 'Eat your own dog food', he uses DataLab to understand how users learn on and interact with DataCamp. Filip holds degrees in Electrical Engineering and Artificial Intelligence.
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