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Rumi Allbert has completed

Intermediate R for Finance

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5 hours
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Course Description

If you enjoyed the Introduction to R for Finance course, then you will love Intermediate R for Finance. Here, you will first learn the basics about how dates work in R, an important skill for the rest of the course. Your next step will be to explore the world of if statements, loops, and functions. These are powerful ideas that are essential to any financial data scientist's toolkit. Finally, we will spend some time working with the family of apply functions as a vectorized alternative to loops. And of course, all examples will be finance related! Enjoy!
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  1. 1



    Welcome! Before we go deeper into the world of R, it will be nice to have an understanding of how dates and times are created. This chapter will teach you enough to begin working with dates, but only scratches the surface of what you can do with them.

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    An introduction to dates in R
    50 xp
    What day is it?
    100 xp
    From char to date
    100 xp
    Many dates
    100 xp
    Date formats and extractor functions
    50 xp
    Date formats (1)
    100 xp
    Date formats (2)
    100 xp
    Subtraction of dates
    100 xp
    months() and weekdays() and quarters(), oh my!
    100 xp
  2. 2

    If Statements and Operators

    Imagine you own stock in a company. If the stock goes above a certain price, you might want to sell. If the stock drops below a certain price, you might want to buy it while it's cheap! This kind of thinking can be implemented using operators and if statements. In this chapter, you will learn all about them, and create a program that tells you to buy or sell a stock.

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  3. 4


    If data structures like data frames and vectors are how you hold your data, functions are how you tell R what to do with your data. In this chapter, you will learn about using built-in functions, creating your own unique functions, and you will finish off with a brief introduction to packages.

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  4. 5


    A popular alternative to loops in R are the apply functions. These are often more readable than loops, and are incredibly useful for scaling the data science workflow to perform a complicated calculation on any number of observations. Learn about them here!

    Play Chapter Now
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Davis Vaughan


Introduction to R for Finance
Lore Dirick HeadshotLore Dirick

Director of Data Science Education at Flatiron School

Lore is a data scientist with expertise in applied finance. She obtained her PhD in Business Economics and Statistics at KU Leuven, Belgium. During her PhD, she collaborated with several banks working on advanced methods for the analysis of credit risk data. Lore formerly worked as a Data Science Curriculum Lead at DataCamp, and is and is now Director of Data Science Education at Flatiron School, a coding school with branches in 8 cities and online programs.
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