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Hsuan Jen Lee has completed

Introduction to A/B Testing in R

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4 hours
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Course Description

In this course, you will learn the foundations of A/B testing, including hypothesis testing, experimental design, and confounding variables. You will also be exposed to a couple more advanced topics, sequential analysis and multivariate testing. The first dataset will be a generated example of a cat adoption website. You will investigate if changing the homepage image affects conversion rates (the percentage of people who click a specific button). For the remainder of the course you will use another generated dataset of a hypothetical data visualization website.
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  1. 1

    Chapter 1: Mini case study in A/B Testing


    Short case study on building and analyzing an A/B experiment.

    Play Chapter Now
    50 xp
    Goals of A/B testing
    50 xp
    Preliminary data exploration
    100 xp
    Baseline conversion rates
    50 xp
    Current conversion rate day of week
    100 xp
    Current conversion rate week
    100 xp
    Plotting conversion rate seasonality
    100 xp
    Experimental design, power analysis
    50 xp
    Randomized vs. sequential
    50 xp
    SSizeLogisticBin() documentation
    50 xp
    Power analysis August
    100 xp
    Power analysis August 5 percentage point increase
    100 xp
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Click datasetExperiment datasetData Visualization Website - April 2018


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