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Serdar Balci has completed

Cleaning Data in R

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4 hours
4,700 XP
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Course Description

It's commonly said that data scientists spend 80% of their time cleaning and manipulating data and only 20% of their time actually analyzing it. For this reason, it is critical to become familiar with the data cleaning process and all of the tools available to you along the way. This course provides a very basic introduction to cleaning data in R using the tidyr, dplyr, and stringr packages. After taking the course you'll be able to go from raw data to awesome insights as quickly and painlessly as possible!
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  1. 1

    Introduction and exploring raw data


    This chapter will give you an overview of the process of data cleaning with R, then walk you through the basics of exploring raw data.

    Play Chapter Now
    Introduction to Cleaning Data in R
    50 xp
    The data cleaning process
    50 xp
    Here's what messy data look like
    100 xp
    Here's what clean data look like
    100 xp
    Exploring raw data
    50 xp
    Getting a feel for your data
    100 xp
    Viewing the structure of your data
    100 xp
    Exploring raw data (part 2)
    50 xp
    Looking at your data
    100 xp
    Visualizing your data
    100 xp
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Messy weather dataBMI dataCensus dataStudent data (with dates)


Introduction to R
Nick Carchedi HeadshotNick Carchedi

Product Manager at DataCamp

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