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Xitlali Magana has completed

Intermediate R

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6 hours
6,950 XP
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Course Description

Intermediate R is the next stop on your journey in mastering the R programming language. In this R training, you will learn about conditional statements, loops, and functions to power your own R scripts. Next, make your R code more efficient and readable using the apply functions. Finally, the utilities chapter gets you up to speed with regular expressions in R, data structure manipulations, and times and dates. This course will allow you to take the next step in advancing your overall knowledge and capabilities while programming in R.
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  1. 1

    Conditionals and Control Flow


    In this chapter, you'll learn about relational operators for comparing R objects, and logical operators like "and" and "or" for combining TRUE and FALSE values. Then, you'll use this knowledge to build conditional statements.

    Play Chapter Now
    Relational Operators
    50 xp
    100 xp
    Greater and less than
    100 xp
    Compare vectors
    100 xp
    Compare matrices
    100 xp
    Logical Operators
    50 xp
    & and |
    100 xp
    & and | (2)
    100 xp
    Reverse the result: !
    50 xp
    Blend it all together
    100 xp
    Conditional Statements
    50 xp
    The if statement
    100 xp
    Add an else
    100 xp
    Customize further: else if
    100 xp
    Else if 2.0
    50 xp
    Take control!
    100 xp
  2. 5


    Mastering R programming is not only about understanding its programming concepts. Having a solid understanding of a wide range of R functions is also important. This chapter introduces you to many useful functions for data structure manipulation, regular expressions, and working with times and dates.

    Play Chapter Now
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Introduction to R
Filip Schouwenaars HeadshotFilip Schouwenaars

Data Science Instructor at DataCamp

Filip is the passionate developer behind several of DataCamp's most popular Python, SQL, and R courses. Filip led the development of DataLab, a collaborative data science notebook. Under the motto 'Eat your own dog food', he uses DataLab to understand how users learn on and interact with DataCamp. Filip holds degrees in Electrical Engineering and Artificial Intelligence.
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