A/B Testing in Python
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PythonProbability & Statistics4 horas16 vídeos51 ejercicios4,000 XP6,839Certificado de logros
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Descripción del curso
Discover How A/B Tests Work
Did you know that you are almost guaranteed to participate in an A/B test every time you browse the internet? From search engines and e-commerce sites to social networks and marketing campaigns — all businesses hire the best data analysts, scientists, and engineers to leverage the power of AB testing. Testing different variants can help optimize the customer experience, maximize profits, inform the next best design, and much more.
Learn About A/B Testing in Python
You’ll start by learning how to define the right metrics before learning how to estimate the appropriate sample size and duration to yield conclusive results. Throughout this course, you’ll use a range of Python packages to help with A/B testing, including statsmodels, scipy, and pingouin.
By the end of the course, you will be able to run the necessary checks that guarantee accurate results, master the art of p-values, and analyze the results of A/B tests with ease and confidence to guide the most critical business decisions.
Hypothesis Testing in Python1
Overview of A/B Testing
Experiment Design and Planning
Data Processing, Sanity Checks, and Results Analysis
Practical Considerations and Making Decisions
A/B Testing in Python
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