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Case Studies: Network Analysis in R

Actualizado 2/2025
Apply fundamental concepts in network analysis to large real-world datasets in 4 different case studies.
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RProbability & Statistics4 horas11 vídeos47 ejercicios4,150 XP3,793Certificado de logros

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Descripción del curso

Now that you're familiar with the basics of network analysis it's time to see how to apply those concepts to large real-world data sets. You'll work through three different case studies, each building on your previous work. These case studies are working with the kinds of data you'll see in both academic and industry settings. We'll explore some of the computational and visualization challenges you'll face and how to overcome them. Your knowledge of igraph will continue to grow, but we'll also leverage other visualization libraries that will help you bring your visualizations to the web.


Network Analysis in R

Exploring graphs through time

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How do people talk about R on Twitter?

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Bike sharing in Chicago

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Other ways to visualize graph data

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Case Studies: Network Analysis in R

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