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Forecasting Product Demand in R

Actualizado 2/2025
Learn how to identify important drivers of demand, look at seasonal effects, and predict demand for a hierarchy of products from a real world example.
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RProbability & Statistics4 horas13 vídeos50 ejercicios4,200 XP9,065Certificado de logros

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Descripción del curso

Accurately predicting demand for products allows a company to stay ahead of the market. By knowing what things shape demand, you can drive behaviors around your products better. This course unlocks the process of predicting product demand through the use of R. You will learn how to identify important drivers of demand, look at seasonal effects, and predict demand for a hierarchy of products from a real world example. By the end of the course you will be able to predict demand for multiple products across a region of a state in the US. Then you will roll up these predictions across many different regions of the same state to form a complete hierarchical forecasting system.


Case Study: Analyzing City Time Series Data in R

Forecasting Demand With Time Series

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Components of Demand

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Blending Regression With Time Series

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Hierarchical Forecasting

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Forecasting Product Demand in R

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