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Generalized Linear Models in R

The Generalized Linear Model course expands your regression toolbox to include logistic and Poisson regression.

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Descripción del curso

Linear regression serves as a workhorse of statistics, but cannot handle some types of complex data. A generalized linear model (GLM) expands upon linear regression to include non-normal distributions including binomial and count data. Throughout this course, you will expand your data science toolkit to include GLMs in R. As part of learning about GLMs, you will learn how to fit model binomial data with logistic regression and count data with Poisson regression. You will also learn how to understand these results and plot them with ggplot2.

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  1. 1

    GLMs, an extension of your regression toolbox


    This chapter teaches you how generalized linear models are an extension of other models in your data science toolbox. The chapter also uses Poisson regression to introduce generalize linear models.

    Reproducir Capítulo Ahora
    Limitations of linear models
    50 xp
    Assumptions of linear models
    50 xp
    Refresher on fitting linear models
    100 xp
    Poisson regression
    50 xp
    Fitting a Poisson regression in R
    100 xp
    Comparing linear and Poisson regression
    100 xp
    Intercepts-comparisons versus means
    100 xp
    Basic lm() functions with glm()
    50 xp
    Applying summary(), print(), and tidy() to glm
    100 xp
    Extracting coefficients from glm()
    100 xp
    Predicting with glm()
    100 xp

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Chester Ismay
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David Campos
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Shon Inouye
Richard Erickson HeadshotRichard Erickson

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