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Interactive Data Visualization with Bokeh

Actualizado 2/2025
Learn how to create interactive data visualizations, including building and connecting widgets using Bokeh!
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PythonData Visualization4 horas15 vídeos53 ejercicios4,500 XP3,680Certificado de logros

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Descripción del curso

Bokeh is a powerful Python package for interactive data visualization, enabling you to go beyond static plots and allow stakeholders to modify your visualizations! In this interactive data visualization with Bokeh course, you'll work with a range of datasets, including stock prices, basketball player statistics, and Australian real-estate sales data. Through hands-on exercises, you’ll build and customize a range of plots, including scatter, bar, line, and grouped bar plots. You'll also get to grips with configuration tools to change how viewers interact with your plot, discover Bokeh's custom themes, learn how to generate subplots, and even how to add widgets to your plots!


Data Manipulation with pandas

Introduction to Bokeh

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Customizing Visualizations

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Storytelling with Visualizations

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Introduction to Widgets

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Interactive Data Visualization with Bokeh

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