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Model Validation in Python

Actualizado 1/2025
Learn the basics of model validation, validation techniques, and begin creating validated and high performing models.
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PythonMachine Learning4 horas15 vídeos47 ejercicios3,700 XP25,034Declaración de cumplimiento

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Descripción del curso

Machine learning models are easier to implement now more than ever before. Without proper validation, the results of running new data through a model might not be as accurate as expected. Model validation allows analysts to confidently answer the question, how good is your model? We will answer this question for classification models using the complete set of tic-tac-toe endgame scenarios, and for regression models using fivethirtyeight’s ultimate Halloween candy power ranking dataset. In this course, we will cover the basics of model validation, discuss various validation techniques, and begin to develop tools for creating validated and high performing models.


Supervised Learning with scikit-learn

Basic Modeling in scikit-learn

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Validation Basics

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Cross Validation

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Selecting the best model with Hyperparameter tuning.

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Model Validation in Python

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