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HomePower BICase Study: Analyzing Customer Churn in Power BI

Case Study: Analyzing Customer Churn in Power BI

You will investigate a dataset from a fictitious company called Databel in Power BI, and need to figure out why customers are churning.

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Descrição do Curso

Are you ready to apply your Power BI skills to a real-world dataset?

Apply your Power BI skills with a Case Study

For subscription-based businesses, reducing customer churn is a top priority. In this Power BI case study, you'll investigate a dataset from an example telecom company called Databel and analyze their churn rates.

Understand why customers churn

Analyzing churn doesn’t just mean knowing what the churn rate is: it’s also about figuring out why customers are churning at the rate they are, and how to reduce churn. You'll answer these questions by creating measures and calculated columns while simultaneously creating eye-catching report pages.
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Experimente O DataCamp for BusinessPara uma solução sob medida , agende uma demonstração.

Nas seguintes faixas

Certificação disponível

Analista de dados no Power BI

Ir para a trilha

Fundamentos do Power BI

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  1. 1

    Exploratory Analysis


    In this first chapter, you'll start exploring the new dataset and revisit creating measures in Power BI to get a better understanding of why customers are churning.

    Reproduzir Capítulo Agora
    Analyzing customer churn in Power BI
    50 xp
    Analysis process
    100 xp
    Data check time
    100 xp
    Understanding churn
    50 xp
    Calculating churn
    100 xp
    Investigating churn reasons
    100 xp
    Digging deeper into churn categories
    100 xp
    Use maps to your advantage
    100 xp
  2. 2

    Investigating Churn Patterns

    You'll continue by leveraging the Power BI knowledge you gained from the prerequisite courses to further investigate why customers are leaving Databel.

    Reproduzir Capítulo Agora
  3. 3

    Visualizing your Analysis

    In the last chapter, you'll create dashboard-style pages and arrange them into stories, so that you can share your results with stakeholders.

    Reproduzir Capítulo Agora
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Nas seguintes faixas

Certificação disponível

Analista de dados no Power BI

Ir para a trilha

Fundamentos do Power BI

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Conjuntos De Dados

DataCamp vs. Local ExperienceExercises and DatasetsMetadata sheet


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Azat Saskal
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Carl Rosseel
Iason Prassides HeadshotIason Prassides

Content Developer at DataCamp

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