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Introduction to Docker

Gain an introduction to Docker and discover its importance in the data professional’s toolkit. Learn about Docker containers, images, and more.

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4 Horas15 Videos56 Exercicios
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Descrição do Curso

Docker is a tool used to develop, run, and ship containers. It’s an essential part of every data professional’s toolbelt, helping to create robust, secure, and scalable applications or workflows. In this course, you’ll become a Docker pro, gaining hands-on experience using Docker CLI. Learn the Docker basics and understand how to create and manage containers using Dockerfiles and instructions. After an introduction to containers and when they are useful, you’ll learn the Docker terminology and get hands-on experience with Docker commands using the Docker Command Line Interface. As you progress, you’ll learn how to create and manage Docker containers using Dockerfiles and Dockerfile instructions. To wrap up, you’ll learn Docker image security best practices to make your images safe and secure.
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  1. 1

    What is Docker?


    You’ll start this course with an introduction to containers, what they are, their uses, and their advantages. You'll learn about Docker Engine, Docker’s tool to create, run and manage containers. Then you’ll learn the difference between a container and an image and compare containers and virtual machines, learning about their differences.

    Reproduzir Capítulo Agora
    Containers and their advantages
    50 xp
    What is included in a container?
    50 xp
    Advantages of containers
    100 xp
    The Docker Engine
    50 xp
    Which parts does the Docker Engine consist of?
    50 xp
    Containers and images
    50 xp
    Containers are like processes
    100 xp
    Containers vs. Virtual Machines
    50 xp
    What is virtualization?
    50 xp
    How do containers and virtual machines relate?
    50 xp
    Pick the right properties
    100 xp
  2. 2

    Using Docker Containers

    In chapter 2, you'll go from starting and stopping your first container to seeing how to clean your environment by removing all containers and images. You'll see how to debug issues by running commands inside a container or executing bash commands in a container interactively. Afterward, you'll know how to share images with colleagues or your entire company. All of this using the Docker Command Line Interface.

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  3. 3

    Writing Your Own Docker Images

    Once you are able to manage images and containers, it’s time to create your own. In chapter 3, you’ll build your own images using Dockerfiles. Dockerfiles are text files that include everything needed for Docker to build an image. You’ll learn how to create images and will get an introduction to all the essential Dockerfile instructions like FROM, RUN, COPY, and more. By the end of this chapter, you’ll have insight into how Docker makes images and be able to create optimized Docker images from scratch.

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  4. 4

    Creating Secure Docker Images

    In this final chapter, you’ll focus on making your Dockerfiles configurable and secure. You'll learn how to make your Dockerfiles configurable using the ARG and ENV instructions. You’ll see why changing the user in your images makes them more secure and how to use the USER Dockerfile instruction to do so. To wrap things up, you’ll learn about some essential security best practices when creating Docker Images.

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Izzy Weber
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Iason Prassides
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Arne Warnke

Pre Requisitos

Introduction to Shell
Tim Sangster HeadshotTim Sangster

Full Stack Software Engineer

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