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HomeCloudIntroduction to AWS Boto in Python

Introduction to AWS Boto in Python

Learn about AWS Boto and harnessing cloud technology to optimize your data workflow.

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Descrição do Curso

What if you were no longer constrained by the capabilities of your laptop? What if you could get an SMS when a city garbage truck camera spots a missing a cat? This is all possible with cloud technology. This course will teach you how to integrate Amazon Web Services (AWS) into your data workflow. You’ll learn how to upload data to S3, AWS cloud storage. You’ll use triggers from your analysis to send text messages with AWS SNS. You will use Rekognition to detect objects in an image. And you will use Comprehend to decide if a piece of feedback is negative. By the time you’re done, you will learn how to build a pipeline, subscribe people to it, and send them text messages when an image contains a cat!
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  1. 1

    Putting Files in the Cloud!


    Embark on the world of cloud technology! From learning how AWS works to creating S3 buckets and uploading files to them. You will master the basics of setting up AWS and uploading files to the cloud!

    Reproduzir Capítulo Agora
    Intro to AWS and Boto3
    50 xp
    Your first boto3 client
    100 xp
    Multiple clients
    100 xp
    Removing repetitive work
    50 xp
    Diving into buckets
    50 xp
    Creating a bucket
    100 xp
    Listing buckets
    100 xp
    Deleting a bucket
    100 xp
    Deleting multiple buckets
    100 xp
    Uploading and retrieving files
    50 xp
    Putting files in the cloud
    100 xp
    Spring cleaning
    100 xp
  2. 3

    Reporting and Notifying!

    Next, you will learn how to automate sharing your findings with the world by building notification triggers for your analysis! You will learn how to harness AWS to send SMS and email notifications to users and cap off what you learned by making custom notifications depending on a user's needs.

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  3. 4

    Pattern Rekognition

    Finally, you will go beyond uploading, sharing and notifying into rekognizing using AWS Rekognition and other AWS machine learning services to recognize cats, translate language and detect sentiment. You will be capping off your learning journey by applying a real-world use case that mixes everything you've learned!

    Reproduzir Capítulo Agora
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Hillary Green-Lerman
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Adel Nehme
Maksim Pecherskiy HeadshotMaksim Pecherskiy

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