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HomePythonCredit Risk Modeling in Python

Credit Risk Modeling in Python

Learn how to prepare credit application data, apply machine learning and business rules to reduce risk and ensure profitability.

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4 Horas15 Videos57 Exercicios
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Descrição do Curso

If you've ever applied for a credit card or loan, you know that financial firms process your information before making a decision. This is because giving you a loan can have a serious financial impact on their business. But how do they make a decision? In this course, you will learn how to prepare credit application data. After that, you will apply machine learning and business rules to reduce risk and ensure profitability. You will use two data sets that emulate real credit applications while focusing on business value. Join me and learn the expected value of credit risk modeling!
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Nas seguintes faixas

Finanças Aplicadas em Python

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  1. 1

    Exploring and Preparing Loan Data


    In this first chapter, we will discuss the concept of credit risk and define how it is calculated. Using cross tables and plots, we will explore a real-world data set. Before applying machine learning, we will process this data by finding and resolving problems.

    Reproduzir Capítulo Agora
    Understanding credit risk
    50 xp
    Explore the credit data
    100 xp
    Crosstab and pivot tables
    100 xp
    Outliers in credit data
    50 xp
    Finding outliers with cross tables
    100 xp
    Visualizing credit outliers
    100 xp
    Risk with missing data in loan data
    50 xp
    Replacing missing credit data
    100 xp
    Removing missing data
    100 xp
    Missing data intuition
    50 xp
  2. 4

    Model Evaluation and Implementation

    After developing and testing two powerful machine learning models, we use key performance metrics to compare them. Using advanced model selection techniques specifically for financial modeling, we will select one model. With that model, we will: develop a business strategy, estimate portfolio value, and minimize expected loss.

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Nas seguintes faixas

Finanças Aplicadas em Python

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Conjuntos De Dados

Raw credit dataClean credit data (outliers and missing data removed)Credit data (ready for modeling)


Collaborator's avatar
Mona Khalil
Collaborator's avatar
Ruanne Van Der Walt
Michael Crabtree HeadshotMichael Crabtree

Data Scientist

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