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Business Process Analytics in R

Learn how to analyze business processes in R and extract actionable insights from enormous sets of event data.

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4 horas16 vídeos58 exercícios
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Descrição do Curso

Although you might not have realized, processes take up an indispensable role in our daily lives. Your actions and those of others generate an extensive amount of data. Whether you are ordering a book, a train crosses a red light, or your thermostat heats your bathroom, every second millions of events are taking place which are stored in data centers around the world. These enormous sets of event data can be used to gain insight into processes in a virtually unlimited range of fields. However, the analysis of this data requires its own set of specific formats and techniques. This course will introduce you to process mining with R and demonstrate the different steps needed to analyze business processes.
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  1. 1

    Introduction to process analysis


    The amount of event data has grown enormously during the last decades. A considerable amount of this data is recorded within the context of various business process. In this chapter, you will discover a methodology for analyzing process data, consisting of three stages: extraction, processing and analysis. You will have our first encounter with the specific elements of process data which are required for analysis, and have a first deep dive into the world of activities and traces, which will allow you to reveal of first glimpse of the process.

    Reproduzir Capítulo Agora
    Introduction to process analytics
    50 xp
    Identify process elements
    50 xp
    Process Analysis Workflow
    50 xp
    Activities as cornerstones of processes
    50 xp
    Retrieve basic process information
    100 xp
    Explore activities
    100 xp
    The happy path
    100 xp
    Create process maps
    100 xp
    Components of process data
    50 xp
    Event data identifiers
    50 xp
    Constructing event data objects
    100 xp
    Inspecting event data objects
    50 xp
  2. 2

    Analysis techniques

    A process can be looked at from different angles: the control-flow, the performance and the organizational background. In this chapter, you will make a deep dive into each of these perspectives. The control-flow refers to the different ways in which the process can be executed, and thus, how it is structured. Considering performance, we are both interested in discovering how long things take, as well as when they take place. Finally, the organizational perspective looks at the actors in the process.

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  3. 3

    Event data processing

    Event data rarely comes in a form which is ready to analyze. Therefore, you often require a set of tools to get the data in the right shape, before we can answer our research question. At the end of this chapter, you will be familiar with three common preprocessing tasks: filtering data, aggregating events and enriching data.

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  4. 4

    Case study

    In this final chapter we will use everything we have learned so far to do and end-to-end analysis of an order-to-cash process. Firstly, we will transform data from various sources to an event log. Secondly, we will have a helicopter view of the process, exploring the dimensions of the data and the different activities, stages and flows in the process. Finally, we will combine preprocessing and analysis tools to formulate an answer to several research questions.

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conjuntos de dados

Eating patternsOrder-to-cash process


Collaborator's avatar
Yashas Roy
Collaborator's avatar
Richie Cotton
Gert  Janssenswillen HeadshotGert Janssenswillen

Author of bupaR package

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