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Intermediate Object-Oriented Programming in Python

Actualizado 02/2025
Build your OOP skills with descriptors, multilevel inheritance, and abstract base classes!
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PythonProgramming4 horas11 vídeos40 exercícios3,300 XP2,645Certificado de conclusão

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Descrição do curso

Level up your OOP skills!

Ready to unlock the power of object-oriented programming? You’re in the right place! In this course, you’ll build on the foundations of object-oriented programming to develop and hone the skills you need to write robust, production-ready code with Python.

Multilevel inheritance and method overloading

Apply the basic principles of inheritance to create classes that inherit functionality from more than a single parent. Unlock a new array of capabilities with method overloading to create your own implementations of built-in operators, enabling your classes to be used in new and exciting ways.

Type Hinting and Descriptors

Take your skills to the next level with type hinting, and watch as your code becomes easier to read, write, and troubleshoot. Customize the way an attribute is set, accessed, and deleted using descriptors and other Python-native techniques. Learn to build your own custom iterators to navigate a collection or generate a stream of data.

Abstract Base Classes and Design Patterns

Discover the power of abstract base classes and how they can be used to create "blueprints" for similar classes. Practice building formal and informal interfaces to create and implement contracts between classes. Finally, the course will be wrapped up by architecting and building classes using the factory method design pattern.


Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming in Python

Overloading and Multiple Inheritance

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Custom Class Features and Type Hints

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Object-oriented design patterns

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Intermediate Object-Oriented Programming in Python

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