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HomePythonSampling in Python

Sampling in Python

Learn to draw conclusions from limited data using Python and statistics. This course covers everything from random sampling to stratified and cluster sampling.

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4 Horas15 Videos51 Exercicios
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Descrição do Curso

Sampling in Python is the cornerstone of inference statistics and hypothesis testing. It's a powerful skill used in survey analysis and experimental design to draw conclusions without surveying an entire population. In this Sampling in Python course, you’ll discover when to use sampling and how to perform common types of sampling—from simple random sampling to more complex methods like stratified and cluster sampling. Using real-world datasets, including coffee ratings, Spotify songs, and employee attrition, you’ll learn to estimate population statistics and quantify uncertainty in your estimates by generating sampling distributions and bootstrap distributions.
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Nas seguintes faixas

Certificação disponível

Analista de dados com Python

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Certificação disponível

Cientista de dados associado em Python

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Fundamentos de estatística com Python

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  1. 1

    Introduction to Sampling


    Learn what sampling is and why it is so powerful. You’ll also learn about the problems caused by convenience sampling and the differences between true randomness and pseudo-randomness.

    Reproduzir Capítulo Agora
    Sampling and point estimates
    50 xp
    Reasons for sampling
    50 xp
    Simple sampling with pandas
    100 xp
    Simple sampling and calculating with NumPy
    100 xp
    Convenience sampling
    50 xp
    Are findings from the sample generalizable?
    100 xp
    Are these findings generalizable?
    100 xp
    Pseudo-random number generation
    50 xp
    Generating random numbers
    100 xp
    Understanding random seeds
    100 xp
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GroupTreinar 2 ou mais pessoas?

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Nas seguintes faixas

Certificação disponível

Analista de dados com Python

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Certificação disponível

Cientista de dados associado em Python

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Fundamentos de estatística com Python

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Conjuntos De Dados

Coffee ratingsSpotify song attributesEmployee attrition


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Dr. Chester Ismay
Collaborator's avatar
Amy Peterson
James Chapman HeadshotJames Chapman

Curriculum Manager, DataCamp

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