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Data Visualization in Excel

Learn how to create a range of visualizations in Excel for different data layouts, ensuring you incorporate best practices to help you build dashboards.

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3 Horas9 Videos30 Exercicios
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Descrição do Curso

Building basic Charts

You will embark on an immersive exploration of basic Excel charts, equipping yourself with the skills to create impactful visualizations and customize chart types. Through a comprehensive understanding of Series and Categories, you will gain the expertise to transform data into compelling narratives that resonate with your audience.

Advancing to more complex charts

Ready to further enhance your charting skills with Excel? You will explore how to work with dual series and prepare more advanced charts, such as Bullet charts, Waterfall charts, or Scatter plots. Additionally, we will investigate various chart editing options.

Data Visualization best practices

Like any discipline, data visualization has its best practices, and it's time to take a closer look at the dos and don'ts. We will improve our skills in selecting chart elements, applying colors, legends, and labels, while also learning how to troubleshoot and customize poorly designed visuals for the benefit of end users.

Visualizing disaggregated data with PivotCharts

Get ready for an exciting journey into the world of visualizing disaggregated data! We'll explore PivotTables, PivotCharts, and how to combine them into a dynamic mini-dashboard. Are you ready to unlock the true power of your data?
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Nas seguintes faixas

Fundamentos do Excel

Ir para a trilha
  1. 1

    Building basic charts


    In Chapter 1, you will embark on an immersive exploration of basic Excel charts, equipping yourself with the skills to create impactful visualizations and customize chart types. Through a comprehensive understanding of Series and Categories, you will gain the expertise to transform data into compelling narratives that resonate with your audience.

    Reproduzir Capítulo Agora
    Getting started with data visualization in Excel
    50 xp
    Truth or a myth?
    100 xp
    Building the first charts
    50 xp
    Comparing Contributions
    100 xp
    Visualizing Contribution Differently
    100 xp
    How are we doing on Sales?
    100 xp
    Visualizing Sales per Segment
    100 xp
    Quarterly Sales per Region
    100 xp
  2. 2

    Advancing to more complex charts

    Ready to further enhance your charting skills with Excel? This chapter will explore how to work with dual series and prepare more advanced charts, such as Bullet charts, Waterfall charts, or Scatter plots. Additionally, we will investigate various chart editing options. There's a lot to learn, so let's get started!

    Reproduzir Capítulo Agora
  3. 3

    Data visualization best practices

    Like any discipline, data visualization has its best practices, and it's time to take a closer look at the dos and don'ts. In this chapter, we will improve our skills in selecting chart elements, applying colors, legends, and labels, while also learning how to troubleshoot and customize poorly designed visuals for the benefit of end users.

    Reproduzir Capítulo Agora
  4. 4

    Visualizing disaggregated data with PivotCharts

    Get ready for an exciting journey into the world of visualizing disaggregated data in this final chapter! We'll explore PivotTables, PivotCharts, and how to combine them into a dynamic mini-dashboard. Are you ready to unlock the true power of your data? Let's dive in!

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Nas seguintes faixas

Fundamentos do Excel

Ir para a trilha

Conjuntos De Dados

Exercises and Datasets


Collaborator's avatar
Iason Prassides
Collaborator's avatar
Jess Ahmet

Pre Requisitos

Introduction to Excel
Agata Bak-Geerinck HeadshotAgata Bak-Geerinck

Senior Data Analyst at Telenet

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