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RNA-Seq with Bioconductor in R

Use RNA-Seq differential expression analysis to identify genes likely to be important for different diseases or conditions.

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4 horas16 vídeos44 exercícios
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Descrição do Curso

RNA-Seq is an exciting next-generation sequencing method used for identifying genes and pathways underlying particular diseases or conditions. As high-throughput sequencing becomes more affordable and accessible to a wider community of researchers, the knowledge to analyze this data is becoming an increasingly valuable skill. Join us in learning about the RNA-Seq workflow and discovering how to identify which genes and biological processes may be important for your condition of interest! We will start the course with a brief overview of the RNA-Seq workflow with an emphasis on differential expression (DE) analysis. Starting with the counts for each gene, the course will cover how to prepare data for DE analysis, assess the quality of the count data, and identify outliers and detect major sources of variation in the data. The DESeq2 R package will be used to model the count data using a negative binomial model and test for differentially expressed genes. Visualization of the results with heatmaps and volcano plots will be performed and the significant differentially expressed genes will be identified and saved.
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Nas seguintes faixas

Análise de dados genômicos em R

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  1. 1

    Introduction to RNA-Seq theory and workflow


    In this chapter we explore what we can do with RNA-Seq data and why it is exciting. We learn about the different steps and considerations involved in an RNA-Seq workflow.

    Reproduzir Capítulo Agora
    Introduction to RNA-Seq
    50 xp
    Core Concepts
    50 xp
    RNA-Seq Packages
    100 xp
    RNA-Seq Workflow
    50 xp
    Read Alignments
    50 xp
    Exploring the raw count matrix
    100 xp
    Differential gene expression overview
    50 xp
    DGE Theory
    50 xp
    DGE Theory: Metadata
    100 xp
  2. 4

    Exploration of differential expression results

    In this final chapter we explore the differential expression results using visualizations, such as heatmaps and volcano plots. We also review the steps in the analysis and summarize the differential expression workflow with DESeq2.

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Nas seguintes faixas

Análise de dados genômicos em R

Ir para a trilha

conjuntos de dados

Fibrosis raw counts dataset


Collaborator's avatar
David Campos
Collaborator's avatar
Shon Inouye
Collaborator's avatar
Richie Cotton
Mary Piper HeadshotMary Piper

Bioinformatics Consultant and Trainer

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