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Transactions and Error Handling in PostgreSQL

Ensure data consistency by learning how to use transactions and handle errors in concurrent environments.

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Descrição do Curso

Being able to leverage transactions and find and handle errors is critical to building resilient SQL scripts and working with databases. Transactions provide the protection needed to ensure that your data is consistent and operations work on the desired data in concurrent environments. Improper error handling can cause many serious and unexpected issues. Without the proper use of transactions and error handling, it's possible to make decisions based on incorrect data leading to false outcomes. In this course, we'll cover proper ways to use transactions and handle errors with a record of what went wrong. Additionally, we discuss how concurrently plays into the use of transactions and data outcomes. We'll practice these concepts on the FFEIC bank health data and with a patient data table.
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  1. 1

    Getting to Know Transactions


    This chapter focuses on learning about single and multistatement transactions and the read committed isolation level.

    Reproduzir Capítulo Agora
    Welcome to Transactions and Error Handling in PostgreSQL
    50 xp
    Transaction structure
    100 xp
    Making our first transaction
    100 xp
    Multiple statement transactions
    100 xp
    Transaction sizes and PostgreSQL protections
    50 xp
    Using and making transactions
    100 xp
    Single statement transactions
    100 xp
    Isolation levels
    50 xp
    Selecting isolation levels
    50 xp
    Using an isolation level
    100 xp
    Isolation levels and transactions
    100 xp
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FFEIC data


Collaborator's avatar
Amy Peterson
Jason Myers HeadshotJason Myers

Co-Author of Essential SQLAlchemy and Software Engineer

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