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HomeRObject-Oriented Programming with S3 and R6 in R

Object-Oriented Programming with S3 and R6 in R

Manage the complexity in your code using object-oriented programming with the S3 and R6 systems.

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4 hours17 videos55 exercises
20,255 learnersTrophyStatement of Accomplishment

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Course Description

Object-oriented programming (OOP) lets you specify relationships between functions and the objects that they can act on, helping you manage complexity in your code. This is an intermediate level course, providing an introduction to OOP, using the S3 and R6 systems. S3 is a great day-to-day R programming tool that simplifies some of the functions that you write. R6 is especially useful for industry-specific analyses, working with web APIs, and building GUIs.
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In the following Tracks

R Developer

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R Programming Fundamentals

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  1. 1

    Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming


    Learn what object-oriented programming (OOP) consists of, when to use it, and what OOP systems are available in R. You'll also learn how R identifies different types of variable, using classes, types, and modes.

    Play Chapter Now
    What is Object-Oriented Programming?
    50 xp
    Should I OOP?
    50 xp
    You've Already Been Working With Objects
    100 xp
    The Nine Systems
    50 xp
    Which Systems Should I Use?
    50 xp
    How does R Distinguish Variables?
    50 xp
    What's my type?
    100 xp
    Assigning Classes
    50 xp
    Make it Classy (1)
    100 xp
    Make it Classy (2)
    50 xp
  2. 3

    Using R6

    Learn how to define R6 classes, and to create R6 objects. You'll also learn about the structure of R6 classes, and how to separate the user interface from the implementation details.

    Play Chapter Now
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In the following Tracks

R Developer

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R Programming Fundamentals

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Cooking times (SQLite file)
Richie Cotton HeadshotRichie Cotton

Data Evangelist at DataCamp

Richie is a Data Evangelist at DataCamp. He has been using R since 2004, in the fields of proteomics, debt collection, and chemical health and safety. He has released almost 30 R packages on CRAN and Bioconductor – most famously the assertive suite of packages – as well as creating and contributing to many others. He also has written two books on R programming, Learning R and Testing R Code.
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