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InicioPythonMarketing Analytics: Predicting Customer Churn in Python

Marketing Analytics: Predicting Customer Churn in Python

Learn how to use Python to analyze customer churn and build a model to predict it.

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4 Horas13 Videos45 Ejercicios
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Descripción del curso

Churn is when a customer stops doing business or ends a relationship with a company. It’s a common problem across a variety of industries, from telecommunications to cable TV to SaaS, and a company that can predict churn can take proactive action to retain valuable customers and get ahead of the competition. This course will provide you with a roadmap to create your own customer churn models. You’ll learn how to explore and visualize your data, prepare it for modeling, make predictions using machine learning, and communicate important, actionable insights to stakeholders. By the end of the course, you’ll become comfortable using the pandas library for data analysis and the scikit-learn library for machine learning.

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En las siguientes pistas

Análisis de marketing con Python

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  1. 1

    Exploratory Data Analysis


    Begin exploring the Telco Churn Dataset using pandas to compute summary statistics and Seaborn to create attractive visualizations.

    Reproducir Capítulo Ahora
    Welcome to the course
    50 xp
    Defining customer churn
    50 xp
    Exploring customer churn
    50 xp
    Grouping and summarizing data
    50 xp
    Summary statistics for both classes
    100 xp
    Churn by State
    100 xp
    Exploring your data using visualizations
    50 xp
    Exploring feature distributions
    100 xp
    Customer service calls and churn
    100 xp
  2. 2

    Preprocessing for Churn Modeling

    Having explored your data, it's now time to preprocess it and get it ready for machine learning. Learn the why, what, and how of preprocessing, including feature selection and feature engineering.

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Obtenga acceso de su equipo a la biblioteca completa de DataCamp, con informes centralizados, tareas, proyectos y más

En las siguientes pistas

Análisis de marketing con Python

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Sets De Datos

Telco Churn Dataset


Collaborator's avatar
Lore Dirick
Collaborator's avatar
Yashas Roy
Mark Peterson HeadshotMark Peterson

Senior Data Scientist at Alliance Data

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