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Functions for Manipulating Data in PostgreSQL

Learn the most important PostgreSQL functions for manipulating, processing, and transforming data.

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4 Horas13 Videos50 Exercicios
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Descrição do Curso

This course will provide you an understanding of how to use built-in PostgreSQL functions in your SQL queries to manipulate different types of data including strings, character, numeric and date/time. We'll travel back to a time where Blockbuster video stores were on every corner and if you wanted to watch a movie, you actually had to leave your house to rent a DVD! You'll also get an introduction into the robust full-text search capabilities which provides a powerful tool for indexing and matching keywords in a PostgreSQL document. And finally, you'll learn how to extend these features by using PostgreSQL extensions.
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Experimente O DataCamp for BusinessPara uma solução sob medida , agende uma demonstração.

Nas seguintes faixas

Certificação disponível

Fundamentos de SQL

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Certificação disponível

Analista de dados associado em SQL

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  1. 1

    Overview of Common Data Types


    Learn about the properties and characteristics of common data types including strings, numerics and arrays and how to retrieve information about your database.

    Reproduzir Capítulo Agora
    50 xp
    Text data types
    50 xp
    Getting information about your database
    100 xp
    Determining data types
    100 xp
    Date and time data types
    50 xp
    Properties of date and time data types
    50 xp
    Interval data types
    100 xp
    Working with ARRAYs
    50 xp
    Accessing data in an ARRAY
    100 xp
    Searching an ARRAY with ANY
    100 xp
    Searching an ARRAY with @>
    100 xp
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GroupTreinar 2 ou mais pessoas?

Obtenha acesso à biblioteca completa do DataCamp, com relatórios, atribuições, projetos e muito mais centralizados

Nas seguintes faixas

Certificação disponível

Fundamentos de SQL

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Certificação disponível

Analista de dados associado em SQL

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Conjuntos De Dados

Sakila schema


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Marianna Lamnina
Brian Piccolo HeadshotBrian Piccolo

Sr. Director, Digital Strategy

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