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Roy Wang has completed

Data Visualization with ggplot2 (Part 3)

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Course Description

In this third ggplot2 course, we'll dive into some advanced topics including geoms commonly used in maths and sciences, strategies for handling large data sets, a variety of specialty plots, and some useful features of ggplot2 internals.
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  1. 1

    Statistical plots


    Actually, all the plots you've explored in the first two ggplot2 courses can be considered 'statistical plots'. Here, however, you'll consider those that are intended for a specialist audience that is familiar with the data: box plots and density plots.

    Play Chapter Now
    50 xp
    Aesthetics review
    50 xp
    Refresher (1)
    100 xp
    Refresher (2)
    100 xp
    Refresher (3)
    100 xp
    Box Plots
    50 xp
    100 xp
    Cut it up!
    100 xp
    Understanding quartiles
    50 xp
    Density Plots
    50 xp
    100 xp
    Combine density plots and histogram
    100 xp
    Adjusting density plots
    100 xp
    Multiple Groups/Variables
    50 xp
    Box plots with varying width
    100 xp
    Mulitple density plots
    100 xp
    Multiple density plots (2)
    100 xp
    Weighted density plots
    100 xp
    2D density plots (1)
    100 xp
    2D density plots (2)
    100 xp
  2. 2

    Plots for specific data types (Part 1)

    In this chapter, you'll explore useful specialty plots for specific data types such as ternary plots, networks and maps. You'll also look at how to use ggplot2 to convert typical base package plots that are used to evaluate the results of statistical methods. Finally, you'll take a look at a couple ways in which you can make and appropriately use animations.

    Play Chapter Now
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Movies (subset of 10000 observations)Test datasetsMammalsAfricaUS CitiesUS StatesGermany unemployment dataPopulation of JapanShape filesParis weather dataReykavik weather dataNew York weather dataLondon weather data


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Filip Schouwenaars
Rick Scavetta HeadshotRick Scavetta

Rick Scavetta is a co-founder of Scavetta Academy.

Rick Scavetta is a biologist, workshop trainer, freelance data scientist and co-founder of Scavetta Academy, a company dedicated to helping scientists better understand and visualize their data. Rick's practical, hands-on exposure to a wide variety of datasets has informed him of the many problems scientists face when trying to visualize their data.
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