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Serdar Balci has completed

Intermediate R: Practice

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4 hours
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Course Description

This follow-up course on Intermediate R does not cover new programming concepts. Instead, you will strengthen your knowledge of the topics in Intermediate R with a bunch of new and fun exercises.
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  1. 1

    Conditionals and Control Flow


    If conditionals are your thing, these exercises will be a walk in the park. Else, let the feedback guide you and add these vital elements of R to your toolkit!

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    Grades analysis in R
    100 xp
    Explore your data
    100 xp
    Understand your data
    50 xp
    Basic queries
    100 xp
    Build aggregates
    100 xp
    Logical operator
    100 xp
    Build aggregates (2)
    100 xp
    if, else
    50 xp
    if, else: DIY
    100 xp
    else if
    100 xp
    Embed if-else clauses
    100 xp
    Operations and controls expertise
    100 xp
  2. 2


    Looping through data structures is something you'll often do. While and for loops help you do this. Get more practice on them by analyzing the log data from a chemical plant.

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  3. 3


    Functions make R powerful: you can isolate chunks of code, wrap them in a function and use them whenever you want. In this set of exercises, you'll practice more on using functions and writing your own functions.

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  4. 4

    The apply family

    lapply, sapply and vapply are all members of R's apply family: they provide a fast and intuitive alternative to the while and for loops you've learned about before. Become an apply pro with some more practice!

    Play Chapter Now
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The 1912 Titanic ship disasterChemical company log files


Intermediate R
Filip Schouwenaars HeadshotFilip Schouwenaars

Data Science Instructor at DataCamp

Filip is the passionate developer behind several of DataCamp's most popular Python, SQL, and R courses. Filip led the development of DataLab, a collaborative data science notebook. Under the motto 'Eat your own dog food', he uses DataLab to understand how users learn on and interact with DataCamp. Filip holds degrees in Electrical Engineering and Artificial Intelligence.
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