Case Study: Ecommerce Analysis in Tableau
In ecommerce, increasing sales and reducing expenses are top priorities. In this case study, youll investigate data from an online pet supply company.
Follow short videos led by expert instructors and then practice what you’ve learned with interactive exercises in your browser.
In ecommerce, increasing sales and reducing expenses are top priorities. In this case study, youll investigate data from an online pet supply company.
Learn dimensionality reduction techniques in R and master feature selection and extraction for your own data and models.
Explore HR data analysis in Tableau with this case study.
Learn all about how DataCamp builds the best platform to learn and teach data skills.
Learn how to analyse and interpret ChIP-seq data with the help of Bioconductor using a human cancer dataset.
Learn how to analyze business processes in R and extract actionable insights from enormous sets of event data.
Learn to use the Bioconductor package limma for differential gene expression analysis.
Practice your Shiny skills while building some fun Shiny apps for real-life scenarios!
In this course youll learn how to use data science for several common marketing tasks.
Gain the essential skills using Scikit-learn, SHAP, and LIME to test and build transparent, trustworthy, and accountable AI systems.
Explore association rules in market basket analysis with R by analyzing retail data and creating movie recommendations.
Practice Tableau with our healthcare case study. Analyze data, uncover efficiency insights, and build a dashboard.
Learn how to perform advanced dplyr transformations and incorporate dplyr and ggplot2 code in functions.
Learn to rapidly visualize and explore demographic data from the United States Census Bureau using tidyverse tools.
Master strategic data management for business excellence.
Learn to distinguish real differences from random noise, and explore psychological crutches we use that interfere with our rational decision making.
Diagnose, visualize and treat missing data with a range of imputation techniques with tips to improve your results.
Learn the bag of words technique for text mining with R.
This course will introduce the support vector machine (SVM) using an intuitive, visual approach.
Learn to analyze, plot, and model multivariate data.
Learn about MLOps, including the tools and practices needed for automating and scaling machine learning applications.
This course covers the basics of financial trading and how to use quantstrat to build signal-based trading strategies.
Specify and fit GARCH models to forecast time-varying volatility and value-at-risk.
In this course youll learn how to apply machine learning in the HR domain.
Learn how to use conditional formatting with your data through built-in options and by creating custom formulas.
Learn to easily summarize and manipulate lists using the purrr package.
Take vital steps towards mastery as you apply your statistical thinking skills to real-world data sets and extract actionable insights from them.
Ensure data consistency by learning how to use transactions and handle errors in concurrent environments.
Enhance your Tableau skills with this case study on inventory analysis. Analyze a dataset, create calculated fields, and create visualizations.
This course will show you how to combine and merge datasets with data.table.