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InícioPythonWriting Efficient Code with pandas

Writing Efficient Code with pandas

Learn efficient techniques in pandas to optimize your Python code.

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4 horas14 vídeos45 exercícios
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Descrição do Curso

The ability to efficiently work with big datasets and extract valuable information is an indispensable tool for every aspiring data scientist. When working with a small amount of data, we often don’t realize how slow code execution can be. This course will build on your knowledge of Python and the pandas library and introduce you to efficient built-in pandas functions to perform tasks faster. Pandas’ built-in functions allow you to tackle the simplest tasks, like targeting specific entries and features from the data, to the most complex tasks, like applying functions on groups of entries, much faster than Python's usual methods. By the end of this course, you will be able to apply a function to data based on a feature value, iterate through big datasets rapidly, and manipulate data belonging to different groups efficiently. You will apply these methods on a variety of real-world datasets, such as poker hands or restaurant tips.
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  1. 1

    Selecting columns and rows efficiently


    This chapter will give you an overview of why efficient code matters and selecting specific and random rows and columns efficiently.

    Reproduzir Capítulo Agora
    The need for efficient coding I
    50 xp
    What does time.time() measure?
    50 xp
    Measuring time I
    100 xp
    Measuring time II
    100 xp
    Locate rows: .iloc[] and .loc[]
    50 xp
    Row selection: loc[] vs iloc[]
    100 xp
    Column selection: .iloc[] vs by name
    100 xp
    Select random rows
    50 xp
    Random row selection
    100 xp
    Random column selection
    100 xp
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conjuntos de dados

PokerPopular Baby NamesRestaurant


Collaborator's avatar
Hillary Green-Lerman
Collaborator's avatar
Hadrien Lacroix
Leonidas Souliotis HeadshotLeonidas Souliotis

PhD @ University of Warwick

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