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Empowering Data Teams: How to Approach Upskilling and Continuous Learning
During this webinar, we delve into the challenges of upskilling data teams and provide actionable insights on how to approach it systematically.webinar
Building an Internal Data Skills Academy
This webinar will cover the key steps for building an internal data academy, including defining learning paths, securing executive support, defining learning personas, scaling learning communities, and much more.webinar
Building an Internal Data Skills Academy
This webinar will cover the key steps for building an internal data academy, including defining learning paths, securing executive support, defining learning personas, scaling learning communities, and much more.webinar
Unleash the Power and Profit of a Data + People Strategy
In this session, you'll find out how to drive sustainable profits by unleashing the power of a Data + People Strategy, bridging the divide with a culture of continuous innovation and feedback.webinar
Building Resilient Learning Cultures
Building Resilient Learning Cultures - With Janice Burnswebinar