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Lou Marvin Caraig has completed

Intro to Statistics with R: Student's T-test

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3 hours
1,950 XP
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Course Description

If you want to have a solid basic foundation in statistics, it is essential to understand the concepts and theories behind t-tests. This module covers both the intuition and the calculations behind dependent t-tests, independent t-tests and z-scores. Topics such as null hypothesis significance testing (NHST), p-values, and effect size are covered in detail.
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  1. 1

    Introduction to t-tests


    The first part covers z-tests, single sample t-tests, and dependent t-tests. You will learn when to use a z-test, when to use a t-test, and how you can calculate the corresponding test statistic. The focus is on understanding how t-tests are constructed, the intuition and interpretation behind them, and how R can help you to do t-tests more easily.

    Play Chapter Now
    Statistical tests to compare means
    50 xp
    Polling liberals and conservatives
    50 xp
    More political polls
    50 xp
    Sampling distributions (1)
    50 xp
    Significance tests
    50 xp
    What's a summary statistic?
    50 xp
    Sampling distributions (2)
    50 xp
    Single sample t-tests
    50 xp
    Understanding the t-distribution
    100 xp
    Dependent t-tests
    50 xp
    The working memory dataset
    100 xp
    Perform a dependent t-test
    100 xp
    Perform a dependent t-test (2)
    100 xp
    Compare the observed and critical t-values
    50 xp
    Interpreting the effect size
    50 xp
    Let R do the dirty work
    100 xp
    Pop quiz!
    50 xp
  2. 2

    Independent t-tests


    The independent t-test is one of the most common statistical test that you will encounter. An independent t-test is appropriate when you want to compare two independent samples, so two completely different groups. Common examples are comparisons between men and women, or treatment group vs control group. The example used to explain the theory behind independent t-tests is the working memory training example.

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