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Md. Saif Kabir Asif has completed

Tree-Based Models in R

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4 hours
4,450 XP
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Course Description

In this course you'll learn how to work with tree-based models in R. This course covers everything from using a single tree for regression or classification to more advanced ensemble methods. You'll learn to implement bagged trees, Random Forests, and boosted trees using the Gradient Boosting Machine, or GBM. These powerful techinques will allow you to create high performance regression and classification models for your data.
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  1. 1

    Classification Trees


    This chapter covers supervised machine learning with classification trees.

    Play Chapter Now
    Welcome to the course!
    50 xp
    Build a classification tree
    100 xp
    Introduction to classification trees
    50 xp
    Advantages of tree-based methods
    50 xp
    Prediction with a classification tree
    50 xp
    Overview of the modeling process
    50 xp
    Train/test split
    100 xp
    Train a classification tree model
    100 xp
    Evaluating classification model performance
    50 xp
    Compute confusion matrix
    100 xp
    Splitting criterion in trees
    50 xp
    Compare models with a different splitting criterion
    100 xp
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Nick Carchedi
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Nick Solomon


Introduction to R
Erin L. HeadshotErin L.

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