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Lou Marvin Caraig has completed

Intro to Statistics with R: Analysis of Variance (ANOVA)

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Course Description

Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) is probably one of the most popular and commonly used statistical procedures. In this course, Professor Conway will cover the essentials of ANOVA such as one-way between groups ANOVA, post-hoc tests, and repeated measures ANOVA.
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  1. 1

    An introduction to ANOVA


    In this first chapter you will learn the basic concepts of ANOVA based on the working memory training example. The difference and benefits compared to t-tests is explained, and you will see how you can compare two or more group means by engaging in ANOVA. Furthermore, you will get a deep understanding on F-tests and the corresponding distribution.

    Play Chapter Now
    Introduction to ANOVA
    50 xp
    Working memory experiment
    100 xp
    Difference between t-tests and ANOVA
    50 xp
    Exploration of the F-test
    50 xp
    Generate density plot of the F-distribution
    100 xp
    Why is the F-distribution always positive?
    50 xp
    50 xp
    Between group sum of squares
    100 xp
    Within groups sum of squares
    100 xp
    Calculating the F-ratio
    100 xp
    ANOVA table
    50 xp
    A faster way: ANOVA in R
    100 xp
    Significance of the F-ratio
    50 xp
    Levene's test
    100 xp
    Does the assumption hold?
    50 xp
  2. 2

    Post-hoc analysis


    The F-ratio you calculated in the previous chapter tells you if there is a significant effect somewhere across your groups, but it does not tell you which pairwise comparisons are significant. That is what the post-hoc tests explained in this chapter will do for you. Post-hoc tests such as Tukey’s and Bonferroni’s procedure allow for multiple comparisons without inflating the probability of a type I error.

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