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Maxim Volgin has completed

Introduction to Data Visualization with Julia

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4 hours
4,800 XP
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Loved by learners at thousands of companies

Course Description

Learn to create stunning data visualizations with Julia, the fast and powerful programming language for data science. This course starts with the basics of data visualization and gradually introduces advanced techniques. By the end, you'll have the skills to create impactful visualizations and confidently share your insights with others.

Tell stories with data

Begin your exploration by grasping the core concepts of data visualization, focusing on learning when and how to construct Julia's different visualizations, such as line plots, scatter plots, histograms, box plots, and violin plots.

Bring your plotting skills to the next level

As you delve deeper into the course, you'll uncover advanced techniques for enhancing your visualizations, such as combining multiple plots, customizing every aspect of your visualizations, creating plotting recipes, and plotting data in DataFrames. By the end of this course, you'll be equipped with a versatile skill set in data visualization with Julia, enabling you to create stunning visualizations.
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In the following Tracks

  1. 1

    First steps with Plots.jl


    Unlock the power of Julia in this chapter and learn how to create stunning, professional-quality data visualizations using the Plots.jl package.

    Play Chapter Now
    Visualizing data
    50 xp
    Why should I plot?
    100 xp
    Should I plot?
    100 xp
    Interpreting a plot
    50 xp
    Getting started with Plots.jl
    50 xp
    Installing Plots.jl
    50 xp
    Price goes up
    100 xp
    Price changes
    100 xp
    Trading volume
    100 xp
    Plotting multiple variables
    50 xp
    Multiple line plots
    100 xp
    Correlated ETF funds
    100 xp
    Multiple line plots!
    100 xp
  2. 3

    Customizing Julia Plots

    Master the art of data visualization customization! Discover how to wield themes, manipulate plot attributes, utilize color palettes, arrange multiple plots in grids with layouts, and create your series recipes. With these skills, you'll have the power to craft stunning and highly tailored visualizations to convey impactful insights.

    Play Chapter Now
  3. 4

    Plotting Data in DataFrames

    Learn to visualize data in DataFrames, using data manipulation tools for these data structures. Delve into multi-dimensional views and grid-based layouts for more effective data representation. Elevate your data storytelling and unlock new insights in your datasets!

    Play Chapter Now
For Business

GroupTraining 2 or more people?

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In the following Tracks




Collaborator's avatar
George Boorman
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Arne Warnke
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Katerina Zahradova
Gustavo Vieira Sune HeadshotGustavo Vieira Sune

Science enthusiast from academia, now analyzing weather data.

Gustavo has a deep love for science and enjoys solving challenging problems. He spent several years as a physicist in academia before shifting into a role where he analyzes weather data. These days, he is drowned in data on a daily basis.
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