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Volker Bernhard Duetsch has completed

Understanding Artificial Intelligence

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Course Description

Explore the Basics of Artificial Intelligence

Undoubtedly, Artificial Intelligence (AI) stands as today's most revolutionary and widespread field across our economy, media, industries, and society as a whole. This beginner-friendly course delves into the foundational aspects of the swiftly advancing world of AI. Dive into the world of AI with hands-on exercises, no coding knowledge necessary, and unravel the buzzwords that often surround it, including machine learning, deep learning, explainable AI, and others like natural language processing and generative models.

Overview of AI Applications

We'll journey through AI's practical applications in daily life, understand the AI methods at work, discover the pathways for organizations to integrate AI, and discuss the essential insights, challenges, and societal impact arising from AI's relentless advancement.
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  1. 1

    What is Artificial Intelligence (AI)?


    Get started with your journey into AI! Artificial Intelligence has rapidly shifted from a purely scientific subject to an umbrella field whose applications and uses are countless as of today, be it in business, industry, or simply as part of our daily lives. You will learn what is AI, what types of problems can be solved using AI, and what are its current limitations. You will also gain a broad understanding of the subareas within AI and its related disciplines.

    Play Chapter Now
    What is Artificial Intelligence?
    50 xp
    The potential of Artificial Intelligence
    50 xp
    An AI workflow in medicine
    100 xp
    What AI can -and cannot- do?
    50 xp
    Predictive vs Generative AI
    100 xp
    AI for smarter traffic lights
    50 xp
    What can AI do for your friend?
    50 xp
    Areas and related disciplines of AI
    50 xp
    Understanding AI subdomains
    100 xp
    A smart farming scenario!
    50 xp
    Identifying the subdomains of AI
    50 xp
  2. 2

    Tasks AI can solve

    What are the core functions of AI systems and the possibilities each of its areas has to offer? Where does the data that fuels AI systems come from, and how do techniques like machine learning make use of data to solve a variety of problems? This chapter answers these questions and more, unveiling how different forms of AI can acquire data, learn from the data, and interact with its surroundings- be it the physical or digital environment.

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  3. 3

    Harnessing AI in Organizations

    Get ready to plunge into the exciting world of AI in business and enterprise! This chapter uncovers the fundamental concepts, guidelines, and best practices to build or become an AI-driven organization. Whether it is for equipping your products, services, and projects with a touch of intelligence, or revolutionizing operational processes within your organization, by the end of this chapter, you will understand the essential elements to embrace this technology: from culture to data and infrastructure, to building teams of talented AI professionals. You'll also learn about challenges that may appear along the way and examples of success stories from big companies that learned to make AI a central aspect of their brand.

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  4. 4

    The human side of AI

    As our thrilling AI journey comes to an end, we delve into the profound connection between AI and its impact on humanity and society. We will explore subjects like AI democratization and responsible AI, encompassing ethics, interpretability, fairness, and safety – all crucial aspects for cultivating AI systems that positively influence our lives. Lastly, we cast our gaze towards the horizon, outlining the exciting prospects and challenges AI presents in shaping a sustainable future.

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Joe Franklin
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Joanne Xiong
Iván Palomares Carrascosa HeadshotIván Palomares Carrascosa

Senior Data Science & AI Manager

Dr. Iván Palomares is a dedicated expert in Education and Artificial Intelligence, with significant experience in directing postgraduate programs in machine learning and data science for top international business schools. As an acclaimed academic leader, he has taught AI-related subjects at prestigious universities and conferences worldwide. His research focuses on personalized recommender systems, reinforcement learning, and generative AI, with notable contributions to applied AI projects in the industry.
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