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Ben Bolstad has completed

Introduction to Bash Scripting

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4 hours
3,350 XP
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Course Description

Bash is a concise, superfast, and robust scripting language for data and file manipulation. It’s a vital skill for building analytics pipelines in the cloud, favored by Linux users to work with data stored across multiple files. In this course, we’ll guide you through the basics of Bash scripting. We begin with an introduction to Bash script structures, including inputting arguments and outputting results. You’ll then work through data structures, such as variables and arrays, and control statements, including loops and conditionals. You’ll then put what you’ve learned into practice, by creating your own Bash functions and scheduling automated scripts to run like clockwork with cron.
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  1. 1

    From Command-Line to Bash Script


    Save yourself time when performing complex repetitive tasks. You’ll begin this course by refreshing your knowledge of common command-line programs and arguments before quickly moving into the world of Bash scripting. You’ll create simple command-line pipelines and then transform these into Bash scripts. You’ll then boost your skills and learn about standard streams and feeding arguments to your Bash scripts.

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    Introduction and refresher
    50 xp
    Extracting scores with shell
    50 xp
    Searching a book with shell
    50 xp
    Your first Bash script
    50 xp
    A simple Bash script
    100 xp
    Shell pipelines to Bash scripts
    100 xp
    Extract and edit using Bash scripts
    100 xp
    Standard streams & arguments
    50 xp
    Using arguments in Bash scripts
    100 xp
    Using arguments with HR data
    100 xp
  2. 2

    Variables in Bash Scripting

    Master the bread and butter of Bash scripts—variables! In this chapter, you’ll learn how to create basic string and numeric variables, and perform calculations on these variables. You’ll also learn about the magic of a shell-within-a-shell (shell-ception), opening up huge opportunities for advanced scripting.

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  3. 3

    Control Statements in Bash Scripting

    Life isn't always linear and neither should your Bash scripts. In this chapter, you’ll take your Bash scripts to the next level by learning control statements. You’ll learn the differences between FOR, WHILE, IF, and CASE statements and how to use them in your Bash scripts. Armed with these new tools, you’ll be ready to create more advanced Bash scripts with conditional logic.

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  4. 4

    Functions and Automation

    Give your Bash scripts a powerful new addition by building useful functions to process data and variables. In this last chapter, you will learn the structure of functions in Bash, how to use functions to help automate frequent tasks, and program your scripts to run on schedule without needing to even lift a finger.

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Maggie Matsui
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Lis Sulmont
Alex Scriven HeadshotAlex Scriven

Senior Data Scientist @ Atlassian

Alex is a Senior Data Scientist working for Atlassian in Sydney, Australia and has previous experience in government, agency and startup. He also holds lecturing and research positions at the University of Technology Sydney and the University of New South Wales. He has built and delivered several Masters-level courses in machine learning & deep learning whilst researching on applications of machine learning & data science in industry. From a heavily commercial background, Alex greatly enjoys bridging the gap between cutting-edge technology and business applications.
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