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Course Description
The role of a data scientist is to turn raw data into actionable insights. Much of the world's raw data—from electronic medical records to customer transaction histories—lives in organized collections of tables called relational databases. To be an effective data scientist, you must know how to wrangle and extract data from these databases using a language called SQL . This course teaches syntax in SQL shared by many types of databases, such as PostgreSQL, MySQL, SQL Server, and Oracle. This course teaches you everything you need to know to begin working with databases today!
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Selecting columns
FreeThis chapter provides a brief introduction to working with relational databases. You'll learn about their structure, how to talk about them using database lingo, and how to begin an analysis using simple SQL commands to select and summarize columns from database tables.
Welcome to the course!50 xpOnboarding | Tables50 xpOnboarding | Query Result50 xpOnboarding | Errors100 xpOnboarding | Multi-step Exercises100 xpBeginning your SQL journey50 xpSELECTing single columns100 xpSELECTing multiple columns100 xpSELECT DISTINCT100 xpLearning to COUNT50 xpPractice with COUNT100 xp - 2
Filtering rows
This chapter builds on the first by teaching you how to filter tables for rows satisfying some criteria of interest. You'll learn how to use basic comparison operators, combine multiple criteria, match patterns in text, and much more.
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Aggregate Functions
This chapter teaches you how to use aggregate functions to summarize data and gain useful insights. You'll also learn about arithmetic in SQL and how to use aliases to make your results more readable.
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Sorting and grouping
This chapter provides a brief introduction to sorting and grouping your results.
ORDER BY50 xpSorting single columns100 xpSorting single columns (2)100 xpSorting single columns (DESC)100 xpSorting multiple columns100 xpGROUP BY50 xpGROUP BY practice100 xpGROUP BY practice (2)100 xpHAVING a great time50 xpAll together now100 xpAll together now (2)100 xpA taste of things to come100 xp
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