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Muhammad Abrar has completed

Data Analysis in Excel

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3 hours
2,350 XP
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Loved by learners at thousands of companies

Course Description

Exploring PivotTables

You will learn how to extract valuable insights and uncover secrets hidden within your data using the power of PivotTables. Additionally, you’ll learn how to use keyboard shortcuts to speed up your workflow.

Intermediate Logical Functions

You’ll identify your ideal customer profile using logical functions and create targeted marketing strategies. You’ll explore the concept of customer segmentation and gain the skills to maximize customer success, increase revenue and boost business growth.

What-if Analysis

You’ll master the art of scenario analysis using Excel’s built-in What-If Analysis tool. You’ll understand how different variables can impact your sales, perform sensitivity analysis and use it to make informed predictions to stay ahead in dynamic business environments.


You will unlock the power of forecasting to anticipate future trends and visualize this data for your stakeholders. You’ll leverage moving averages and trendlines to communicate your findings.
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  1. 1

    Exploring data with PivotTables


    You will learn how to extract valuable insights and uncover secrets hidden within your data using the power of PivotTables. Additionally, you’ll learn how to use keyboard shortcuts to speed up your workflow.

    Play Chapter Now
    Introduction to data analysis
    50 xp
    Which steps should I take?
    100 xp
    Exploratory data analysis in PivotTables
    50 xp
    Navigating with keyboard shortcuts
    100 xp
    Getting started with PivotTables
    100 xp
    Calculated fields in PivotTables
    100 xp
    Custom grouping in PivotTables
    100 xp
    Slicing data in PivotTables
    100 xp
  2. 2

    Intermediate Logical Functions

    You’ll identify your ideal customer profile using logical functions and create targeted marketing strategies. You’ll explore the concept of customer segmentation and gain the skills to maximize customer success, increase revenue and boost business growth. You’ll utilize functions such as Nested IFs, SWITCH, and COUNTIFS.

    Play Chapter Now
  3. 3

    What-if analysis

    You’ll master the art of scenario analysis using Excel’s built-in What-If Analysis tool. You’ll understand how different variables can impact your sales, perform sensitivity analysis and use it to make informed predictions to stay ahead in dynamic business environments.

    Play Chapter Now
  4. 4


    You will unlock the power of forecasting to anticipate future trends and visualize this data for your stakeholders. You’ll leverage moving averages and trendlines to communicate your findings.

    Play Chapter Now
For Business

GroupTraining 2 or more people?

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Exercises and Datasets


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Maarten Van den Broeck
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Jess Ahmet
Nick Edwards HeadshotNick Edwards

Analyst for Mynd

Nick Edwards is an Analyst for Mynd, a fast-growing PropTech startup, where he uses data and BI tools to unlock the full strength of financial analysis. He graduated with honors in Economics and Business Analytics at the University of Colorado Boulder. He realized honing data science skills would greatly benefit his career and believes it will for you, too!
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