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Volker Bernhard Duetsch has completed

Introduction to Git

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4 hours
4,150 XP
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Course Description

This course introduces learners to version control using Git. You will discover the importance of version control when working on data science projects and explore how you can use Git to track files, compare differences, modify and save files, undo changes, and allow collaborative development through the use of branches. You will gain an introduction to the structure of a repository, how to create new repositories and clone existing ones, and show how Git stores data. By working through typical data science tasks, you will gain the skills to handle conflicting files.
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  1. 1

    Introduction to Git


    In the first chapter, you’ll learn what version control is and why it is essential for data projects. Then, you’ll discover what Git is and how to use it for a version control workflow.

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    Introduction to version control with Git
    50 xp
    Using the shell
    50 xp
    Checking the version of Git
    100 xp
    Saving files
    50 xp
    Where does Git store information?
    50 xp
    The Git workflow
    100 xp
    Adding a file
    100 xp
    Adding multiple files
    100 xp
    Comparing files
    50 xp
    What has changed?
    50 xp
    What's going to be committed?
    100 xp
    What's in the staging area?
    50 xp
  2. 3

    Git workflows

    In this chapter, you'll learn tips and tricks for configuring Git to make you more efficient! You'll also discover branches, identify how to create and switch to different branches, compare versions of files between branches, merge branches together, and deal with conflicting files across branches.

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  3. 4

    Collaborating with Git

    This final chapter is all about collaboration! You'll gain an introduction to remote repositories and learn how to work with them to synchronize content between the cloud and your local computer. You'll also see how to create new repositories and clone existing ones, along with discovering a workflow to minimize the risk of conflicts between local and remote repositories.

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George Boorman HeadshotGeorge Boorman

Curriculum Manager, DataCamp

George is a Curriculum Manager at DataCamp. He holds a PGDip in Exercise for Health and BSc (Hons) in Sports Science and has experience in project management across public health, applied research, and not-for-profit sectors. George is passionate about sports, tech for good, and all things data science.
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