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Resolver problemas do mundo real

Os projetos permitem que você aplique suas habilidades usando ferramentas como o Data Notebooks e conclua uma análise de dados do início ao fim.

  • Aprenda a programar por conta própria
  • Crie seu próprio portfólio
  • Obtenha experiência no mundo real

Procurar projetos

22 projetos


Dr. Semmelweis and the Importance of Handwashing

  • BeginnerSkill Level
  • 3.8+
  • 2.7K

Reanalyze the data behind one of the most important discoveries of modern medicine: handwashing.

Manipulação de dados, Visualização de dados

1-2 hours


Analyze the Popularity of Programming Languages

  • BeginnerSkill Level
  • 3.8+
  • 2.4K

Analyze the popularity of programming languages over time based on Stack Overflow data.

Manipulação de dados

Less than 1 hour


Predict Energy Consumption

  • IntermediateSkill Level
  • 4.4+
  • 857

Use regression and machine learning models to predict daily power consumption based on temporal factors.

Machine learning

1-2 hours


Identifying Flight Duration Trends in Air Travel

  • BeginnerSkill Level
  • 3.9+
  • 483

Exploring flight data from NYC using advanced data joining techniques in R.

Manipulação de dados

1-2 hours


Exploring Airbnb Market Trends

  • IntermediateSkill Level
  • 4.1+
  • 436

Apply your importing and cleaning data and data manipulation skills to explore New York City Airbnb data.

Programação em R, Manipulação de dados

1-2 hours


Hypothesis Testing with Mens and Womens Soccer Matches

  • IntermediateSkill Level
  • 4.1+
  • 392

Perform a hypothesis test to determine if more goals are scored in womens soccer matches than mens!

Probabilidade e estatística

1-2 hours


Assessing the Effectiveness of Medical Treatments

  • AdvancedSkill Level
  • 4.3+
  • 310

Use logistic regression to determine which treatment procedure is more effective for kidney stone removal.

Machine learning, Probabilidade e estatística

Less than 1 hour


Modeling Car Insurance Claim Outcomes

  • IntermediateSkill Level
  • 4.1+
  • 253

Clean customer data and use logistic regression to predict whether people will make a claim on their car insurance!

Machine learning

1-2 hours


Visualizing the History of Nobel Prize Winners

  • BeginnerSkill Level
  • 3.3+
  • 232

Explore a dataset containing a centurys worth of Nobel Laureates. Who won? Who got snubbed?

Manipulação de dados, Visualização de dados

1-2 hours


What is Your Heart Rate Telling You?

  • IntermediateSkill Level
  • 2.1+
  • 169

Examine the relationship between heart rate and heart disease using multiple logistic regression.

Manipulação de dados, Probabilidade e estatística, Visualização de dados

1-2 hours


Analyzing Super Bowl Viewership and Advertising

  • BeginnerSkill Level
  • 4.4+
  • 162

Explore Super Bowl viewership data in the age of soaring ad costs.

Manipulação de dados, Visualização de dados

1-2 hours


How Environmental Factors Influence Wildlife Populations

  • AdvancedSkill Level
  • 4.0+
  • 145

Explore habitat data using factor and survival analysis tools.

Probabilidade e estatística

1-2 hours


Basketball Analytics: Clustering Players by Performance Metrics

  • AdvancedSkill Level
  • 3.6+
  • 141

Cluster NBA players by performance stats in the 2022-2023 season.

Machine learning

1-2 hours


Predict Future Sales of Fast-Food Menu Items

  • IntermediateSkill Level
  • 4.2+
  • 139

Help a fast food chain save money and place more accurate orders by building a model to predict food sales.

Machine learning

1-2 hours


Creating Floral Patterns Inspired by Phyllotaxis

  • BeginnerSkill Level
  • 3.8+
  • 117

Use R to make art and create imaginary flowers inspired by nature.

Visualização de dados

1-2 hours


Predicting Movie Rental Durations

  • IntermediateSkill Level
  • 4.5+
  • 100

Build a regression model for a DVD rental firm to predict rental duration. Evaluate models to recommend the best one.

Machine learning

1-2 hours


Food Price Forecasting with Functions

  • IntermediateSkill Level
  • 3.8+
  • 98

Write functions to forecast time series of food prices in Rwanda.

Manipulação de dados

1-2 hours


Deciphering Customer Buying Cycles in Grocery Stores

  • IntermediateSkill Level
  • 4.2+
  • 93

Analyze grocery store data to identify shopping patterns and preferences.

Manipulação de dados, Desenvolvimento de software

1-2 hours


Exploring Global Life Expectancy Trends

  • IntermediateSkill Level
  • 3.9+
  • 91

Compare life expectancy across countries and genders with ggplot2.

Manipulação de dados, Visualização de dados

1-2 hours


Optimize Pricing Predictions with Feature Engineering

  • IntermediateSkill Level
  • 3.8+
  • 80

Improve a Car Price prediction model using Feature Engineering tools

Machine learning

1-2 hours


Insights into Bicycle Theft using Visualization

  • IntermediateSkill Level
  • 3.7+
  • 75

Determine the patterns where bike theft is most likely to occur using visualizations.

Visualização de dados

1-2 hours


Customer Analytics: Preparing Data for Modeling

  • BeginnerSkill Level
  • 4.1+
  • 68

Apply your knowledge of data types and categorical data to prepare a big dataset for modeling!

Manipulação de dados

1-2 hours

Explore todas as tecnologias

PythonSQLPower BITableauGoogle SheetsExcelAlteryxAWSDockerSparkShellAzure

Perguntas frequentes

Preciso fazer download de algum software para aprender no DataCamp?

Não. Você pode aprender na Datacamp sem precisar instalar nenhum software - todo o treinamento e os exercícios podem ser concluídos no seu navegador usando um ambiente Jupyter Notebook.

Posso compartilhar meus projetos concluídos?

Sim. Você pode baixar projetos completos e incompletos para adicionar ao seu GitHub ou a qualquer outro portfólio pessoal.

Posso concluir um projeto tanto no modo guiado quanto no não guiado?

Você pode reproduzir os projetos quantas vezes quiser em qualquer modo de aprendizado.