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Rafał Alitojć has completed

Introduction to Data Science in Python

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4 hours
3,700 XP
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Course Description

Begin your journey into Data Science! Even if you've never written a line of code in your life, you'll be able to follow this course and witness the power of Python to perform Data Science. You'll use data to solve the mystery of Bayes, the kidnapped Golden Retriever, and along the way you'll become familiar with basic Python syntax and popular Data Science modules like Matplotlib (for charts and graphs) and pandas (for tabular data).
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  1. 1

    Getting Started in Python


    Welcome to the wonderful world of Data Analysis in Python! In this chapter, you'll learn the basics of Python syntax, load your first Python modules, and use functions to get a suspect list for the kidnapping of Bayes, DataCamp's prize-winning Golden Retriever.

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    Dive into Python
    50 xp
    Importing Python modules
    100 xp
    Correcting a broken import
    100 xp
    Creating variables
    50 xp
    Creating a float
    100 xp
    Creating strings
    100 xp
    Correcting string errors
    100 xp
    Valid variable names
    50 xp
    Fun with functions
    50 xp
    Load a DataFrame
    100 xp
    Correcting a function error
    100 xp
    Snooping for suspects
    100 xp
  2. 2

    Loading Data in pandas

    In this chapter, you'll learn a powerful Python libary: pandas. pandas lets you read, modify, and search tabular datasets (like spreadsheets and database tables). You'll examine credit card records for the suspects and see if any of them made suspicious purchases.

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  3. 3

    Plotting Data with Matplotlib

    Get ready to visualize your data! You'll create line plots with another Python module: Matplotlib. Using line plots, you'll analyze the letter frequencies from the ransom note and several handwriting samples to determine the kidnapper.

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  4. 4

    Different Types of Plots

    In this final chapter, you'll learn how to create three new plot types: scatter plots, bar plots, and histograms. You'll use these tools to locate where the kidnapper is hiding and rescue Bayes, the Golden Retriever.

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Collaborator's avatar
Mona Khalil
Hillary Green-Lerman HeadshotHillary Green-Lerman

Lead Data Scientist, Looker

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