Intermediate Git
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Descripción del curso
Work with branches
This course builds upon foundational knowledge of Git, introducing new concepts, including branches, remote repos, and the handling of merge conflicts. You'll discover how branches allow continuous software development, where a production system can remain live while additional features are developed or bugs are fixed. You'll learn the essential techniques for working with branches, using Git to navigate, compare, rename, delete, and merge them.
Collaborate using remote repos
The course will show you tips and tricks to avoid merge conflicts, where Git does not know how to combine the contents of files when merging two branches. You'll practice resolving merge conflicts and familiarize yourself with how Git displays conflicts in files. The course concludes with introducing remote repos, which are fundamental for collaborative projects with Git. You'll synchronize your content between local and remote repos using common commands such as clone, fetch, pull, and push!
Introduction to GitWorking with branches
Collaborating with Git
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